Noisy Forest

Apr. 27, 2022

I can’t believe it! Microsoft Minesweeper is no longer preinstalled in Windows! And the new version from the Microsoft Store? A chaotic, garish mess. Why ruin such a simple, iconic game?

Anyway, I made my own version.

Enter Noisy Forest.

The idea came from Liu Cixin’s “dark forest hypothesis”. Imagine the universe as a dark forest, full of unseen hunters, all tiptoeing around, terrified of being found by each other. Because in this forest, if you’re spotted, you’re toast. Everyone’s armed, lurking in the shadows, hoping not to get caught.

In Noisy Forest, you are one of those hunters, you’re trying to locate the others before they find you. You have no idea how many hunters are out there. All you have to rely on are the faint, eerie noises they make, only audible when you are close. Mark the spots where you think the hunters are hiding, but tread carefully! Step into the wrong spot, and you’ll expose yourself. This isn’t an instant “Game Over”, but from that moment on, you’ll be at constant risk, you could die at any time. Finally, if you’re lucky enough to map out the entire field, the game ends.
